
This is a measure of electrical potential

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Every once in a while we get questions from our customers asking to define some of the terms that they find on their battery. So here is a short list of some of the more common terms and their definitions.

Volt – This is a measure of electrical potential. The volt is named after Alessandro Volta the “father” of batteries.

Watt – This is the unit for measuring electrical power, i.e., the rate of doing work, in moving electrons by, or against, an electrical potential (Volt). Formula: Watts = Amperes x Volts. This was named after James Watt one of the leaders in developing steam engines in the late 1700’s.

Watt-hour – Not to be confused with a Watt, this is a measure of electrical energy. Simply figured by multiplying Watts x Hours.

Ohm – This is not the sound that monks make in the movies, it is however a measure of the electrical resistance or impedance within an electrical circuit. Named after Georg Ohm the brain behind Ohm’s Law where he realized that there is a proportional difference when voltage is applied across a conductor and the current that goes through it.

Ampere – Commonly shortened to Amp this is the unit of electric current or amount of the electric charge. Amps are named after André-Marie Ampère who is one of discoverers of electromagnetism.

Basically you can look at it somewhat like this; the voltage is how much power you need and the AH or amps is how much gas you have in the tank. Let me know if these help.

It's just too expensive to make the switch

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of the dell laptop battery First post by: www.itbattery.com

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Solar power is here. We’re not exactly where we were predicted to be in the early nineties, when it was assumed we’d have completely abandoned traditional energy for solar by this point, but it is an option.

Even so, you almost never see anyone actually using solar power. If yo u ask most people why not, they’ll tell you “It’s just too expensive to make the switch”.

To an extent, this is actually true. If you’re talking about switching your home over entirely to solar power, you’re probably looking at anywhere from fifteen to thirty thousand dollars. That will pay for itself in time, but it could be twenty years before you’re thanking yourself for making the switch, and let’s be honest, most of us don’t have thirty grand just laying around collecting dust, and we have no choice but to keep paying the utility bills.

But, on a smaller scale, let’s consider what you can do with far less money…

Consider the idea of just switching your water heating over to electricity. A solar water heater can cost as low as a couple thousand dollars, and can last up to thirty years. It’s hard to say exactly how much you’ll be saving, but let’s say you take two showers, do a load of laundry, and wash the dishes once a day. After a month, that could cost you anywhere from thirty to fifty bucks (these are pretty rough figures, of course, but they’re on the low end, and most people probably spend a lot more on hot water every month), so that could be as much as six hundred dollars a year.

So this means that a two thousand dollar solar water heater will have paid for itself in three or four years. After that point, you’re literally getting free water heating. Fill an entire swimming pool with hot water if you like, the heating itself won’t cost you a dime.

Solar water heaters do eventually break down, but with proper care, it’s not surprising at all to see them outliving the thirty year mark. In other words, if you bought three solar water heaters today and kept two in storage, you’d have hot water for the rest of your life for less than ten thousand dollars.

Solar power seems expensive at first, but when you consider that, after a certain point, you’re literally getting energy and hot water for free, it starts to make a little more sense.

A few reports have even reported that you can actually drive down

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of the dell laptop battery First post by: www.itbattery.com

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There’s small Bluetooth Headsets, and there’s Bluetooth Headsets so incredibly tiny, you almost wonder if the design staff were having a good laugh about how puny they could make their products.

The Motorola H9 manages to be so small, it’s not even funny anymore. Rather, the whole unit is about as big as an earplug, so you’re not just sporting a tiny headset to show off, you’re actually using a headset so tiny that there’s no way you’ll even notice it’s there.

Of course, none of that means a thing if it doesn’t perform. Without range and good sound quality, it’s nothing but a pricy status symbol.

So we’re pleased to report that not only is it a beautifully tiny headset, it’s also a darn good one. The unit can pick up signals from your phone up to thirty feet away, and the sound quality is crystal clear. You know how it is when people talk to you on Bluetooth headsets, it sounds like they’re riding a motorcycle down a busy freeway while talking on speakerphone. The Motorola H9 sounds great, though. Your voice comes through as clear and sharp as if you were talking directly into the cell phone.

A few reports have even reported that you can actually drive down a busy freeway with the window down and still have your voice come through,20thanks to the voice filter. Why you wouldn’t just roll the window up is anyone’s guess, but the option is open to you!

So it combines function and form pretty well. You don’t look like “That guy with the Bluetooth headset plugged into his head” anymore.

They’ve actually designed smaller headsets than this, believe it or not, but so far, the Motorola Mini H9 has been the only one that was not only tiny, but actually functional enough to justify selling to the consumer market, so they’re actually trying to put out a good product, here, and not just trying to get into the Guiness Book of World Records. The others will have to be satisfied with never moving past the prototype stage.

You can actually pick one of these up somewhere in the area of fifty bucks, which is kind of surprising. You’d probably expect to pay twice that for the self-proclaimed (and verified) smallest Bluetooth headset available. So if you’ve still got a gigantic walkie talkie attached to the side of your head, you’ve got no excuse not to check this product out.

took the laptop down to the local tennis court

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Now you can’t tell me you haven’t heard of the new craze to get fit. People have already been scrambling to get the Nintendo Wii just so they can play tennis or golf in their living room, and now we have those very same people banging on about the Wii fit.

With the Wii fit you can practice yoga, indulge in some aerobic exercise, strength training or balance games and of course you not only have fun, the idea is you get fit and healthy at the same time. Kids love it, parents actually encourage it and grandparents have had a new lease of life because of it. The great news is that you really don’t need to fork out for a Nintendo Wii to do it.

We reckon you can get just as fit and have just as much fun using a simple laptop. Laptops are incredibly versatile and come in handy for all manner of things from booster seats to snow scrapers, from garlic crushers to breakfast trays, no kidding! If you get really creative with a laptop you can do just about anything your brain can dream up and yes you can even have fun and get in shape too.

So if you haven’t got your laptop yet then there’s still time to snap one up before the rest of the world catches on and ditches their Wii and their gym membership forever.

And, for those of you who doubt the wisdom of our words, we know what we’re talking about because we’ve actually tried it out and have the pics to prove it.

Laptop Volley Shot

We took the laptop down to the local tennis court and practiced some volleys. The laptop is fairly light so holding it was no problem and the surface area was just perfect for catching that ball before it hits the ground. With one simple swipe the ball went shooting straight back over the net. Yeah sure we heard a few strange noises from the laptop but we knew right there and then we were on to something.

Laptop Cross Court Forehand Shot

After the volley shots we tried some cross court forehands which again we managed with perfect ease. Even if forehands aren’t your strong point you will find they improve dramatically when you practice with a laptop. It’s all about confidence really and you can certainly have confidence with a laptop. There’s no fear of missing the ball, it comes flying towards you and with a pleasant little thud as it hits the spot it . Again , don’t sweat the weird noises coming from the laptop , its probably just your screen cracking !

Laptop Mid-play Action Shot

Ok Ok so we’re not the best photographers in the world but have you ever tried getting an action shot using a time delay digital camera? It’s easier playing tennis I can tell you, especially with a laptop. Just look at the image above , the rotation brings the Abs and oblique’s into play? as the swing is delivered , you just don’t get that from the Wii Fit !

I think by now you must be getting the picture.

Forget the Wii Fit Board This Is Laptop Fit Board!

That’s right, you can now improve your core stability and your balance, strengthen those muscles and create the perfect body all in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a laptop and some imagination. For example, we got a hard ball and placed it carefully under the laptop and just climbed on.? It was a fantastic experience. No expensive gym equipment required at all, just yourself, your laptop and a ball.

Now at this point, you really can’t be worrying about noises coming from the laptop as you climb on!!? Your health and fitness regime is far more important than a few keys crunching or the screen shattering!? Just hop on and work the balance baby!

The Laptop Cider Press

Of course after all that exercise you’re going to need some sort of refreshment and what could be healthier than a freshly squeezed fruit juice? You don’t even need a juicer either; such is the versatility of your marvellous laptop.

Just pop through to the kitchen and get the chopping board, cut a small hole in the centre of it, and place your chopping board on top of a jug. Then, pop the apple or whatever takes your fancy on top of the chopping board and press down hard with your lap top. That’s it! It really is that simple.? The juice will flow nicely into the jug below.

If you are somewhat fussy and would prefer a smoother juice then that’s not a problem either, simply place a nylon stocking over the hole and you’ll have pure fresh fruit juice with no bits in it in no time at all.

And that’s the beauty of it all. A laptop has got to be the most useful and cost efficient accessory you could ever own. You can use it for business, for pleasure and yes, especially for keeping you fit.

Of course if you want to keep a record of your laptop exploits to show off to your Wii-crazed friends and family, you can not only store all your pics and scores in the very same laptop you can also email them off in an instant, think about it, not even the Wii can do that.

dell Latitude CPX battery, dell Latitude C600 battery, dell Latitude C610 battery

Who wants to eat baby food three times a day?

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of the dell laptop battery First post by: www.itbattery.com

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Yeah its new year, time of the good ole “I will lose 4 pounds per week till I hit my target weight” time….

No one can argue that the quest to lose weight really is a major problem for many people. Obesity is now one of the biggest (no pun intended), if not the main health problem in western society today. Just take a look around when you’re out and about and count how many fatties there are on the street. It’s quite shocking.

A quick browse on the Internet will also reveal that there are literally thousands of ‘diets’ out there all proclaiming that this is the one that will do it for you. Some larger than life folks may try one or two diets before going back to their old eating habits but sadly, many will spend their entire lives on a diet of some sort. What sort of quality of life is that?

Perhaps the problem lies buried in the reason why people get fat in the first place, instant gratification. In these days of fast living and fast foods many people eat ready prepared foods loaded with sugar and fat and they want a quick fix diet that will dissolve the excess pounds in days if not hours.

The bizarre thing is that the most effective and straightforward way to lose weight is so incredibly simple, it’s to eat fewer calories than what your body uses up on a daily basis. You can’t fail. Anyway, the following are 20 of the most brain dead fad diets in history.

The Hollywood Cookie Diet

Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? Eating cookies to lose weight must seem like a dream for some cookie monsters. The idea is to replace meals with specially prepared cookies each containing around 150 calories. If you read the small print it also says that it should be used as part of a low calorie diet and regular exercise routine. Hmmm! Nothing spectacular about that then, you eat fewer calories and the weight drops off. Let’s try another…

The Baby Food Diet

Who wants to eat baby food three times a day? Well if you’ve tried everything else I suppose you’d give anything a go. The baby food diet involves eating three baby meals a day. Apart from the obvious embarrassment associated with opening your jar of mashed slop at work, baby food is designed for babies so as an adult with a much larger requirement for calories you’re basically going to starve on 3 small jars a day. Then again, isn’t that how we lose weight, by eating fewer calories than what we use?

Hoodia Cactus Plant Diet

This is an interesting one as there is some truth in the philosophy behind it. The Hoodia Cactus plant has been used for centuries by the San people in the Kalahari dessert as it keeps their hunger pangs at bay whilst they go on long hunting trips. Clinical research has also identified the active ingredient in the Hoodia cactus plant (P57) which can suppress appetites from between 1000 and 2000 calories a day. The problem is, you have to make sure the supplement, drink, pill or whatever you are taking is authentic as numerous products have since been launched on the market all claiming to be derived from cactuses but not the Hoodia cactus. So how does it work? Well let’s see, you suppress appetite and eat fewer calories so you lose weight…haven’t we heard that before?

Blood Type Diet

Here’s an interesting concept. The right diet for you depends on what blood type you are. This is a diet that became very popular after publication of Peter D’Adamo’s book on the subject which claims that not only will you lose weight; you will improve your health in general. Now as most people are blood type O, most of the population should be following the same diet right! Here’s the gist of it…blood type O people should eat a low carbohydrate, high protein diet that is also low in dairy products and should indulge in lots of exercise. Sounds health enough. Blood type A folks should concentrate on fish and vegetables and stay away from red meat and take only light exercise. Blood type B should eat meat and dairy produce with plenty of fruit and vegetables and only some fish. Blood types AB combine the diets for A and B. So what happens if you are blood type A, allergic to fish and into athletics? If this diet works then it’s most likely down to the fact that the diet doesn’t advocate refined or processed foods and is healthier in general no matter what blood type you are.

Atkins Diet

This diet was first proposed by Dr Atkins in 1972 and then had a resurgence of popularity in the 90’s when his book called The New Diet Revolution was published. The basic idea behind the diet is to strictly control carbohydrate intake so that the body will burn fat instead but you can eat unlimited amounts of meat, fish and eggs. Sounds simple enough, however, the fat intake in this diet is significantly increased to levels that are sometimes far higher than those considered to be safe. Many people have lost weight on the Atkins diet but at what cost to their health?

Russian Air Force Diet

If you like starvation diets then this might be one for you. It was originally developed to keep soldiers in the former Soviet Union fit and ready for battle, hence the name. It is a very strict low calorie diet where you have coffee for breakfast, a small amount of protein and a bit of fruit for lunch, another small amount of protein and a salad for dinner. You are also required to drink at least 4 glasses of water or diet soda a day, which actually isn’t enough. I suppose there’s some perks as you are allowed to use herbs and seasoning on your meals otherwise they would be pretty bland. Again though, of course you will lose weight on this diet as you are eating far fewer calories than normal but as with any quick weight loss regime, it cannot possibly be sustained and all the weight and possibly more is likely to pile back on afterwards.

Chicken Soup Diet

This diet is just as it sounds, you eat as much chicken soup as you want but nothing else other than perhaps a small breakfast. If you can live on chicken soup 7 days a week then the chances are you will lose weight but would you want to? There are other options that are far more appealing.

Cabbage Soup Diet

This one has been quite popular amongst dieters probably because the weight loss is quite rapid to begin with. The down side of course is that it isn’t a long term solution as it cannot be sustained, you are also likely to experience a lot of flatulence and stomach cramps and you won’t be getting all the nutrients you need. You also would have to have a will of iron to keep to it and if you do then why opt for cabbage soup? Instead you could use your will power to lose weight the normal way and eat healthier and less.

Acai Berry Diet

The Acai berry comes from the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. This diet became popular after Dr Perricone revealed on the Oprah Winfrey show that it is the best antioxidant of all, even better then blue berries, and Oprah said she used them. Rather than being a specific diet for weight loss, weight loss is achieved by incorporating the Acai berry into an existing weight loss plan to aid weight loss and there is evidence that it can be highly beneficial to health. Acai berries help to clean and improve the digestive system and detoxify the body and this is bound to help shed a few extra pounds. Although this diet isn’t a fad as such, it is included because the hype surrounding them means there are a lot of unsubstantiated claims used to encourage people to buy certain Acai berry products that are not only expensive, they simply won’t work if you don’t make other adjustments to your diet too.

Negative Calorie Diet

laptop battery

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could eat our way thin? The idea behind this diet is that you eat foods that will give you a negative calorie effect. In other words, the process of digesting the food uses up more calories than the food contains in the first place. If it sounds too good to be true it’s because it is. It isn’t possible to live on negative calorie foods for any length of time and although you may lose weight to start with you’ll soon pile it all back on when you stop. Examples of negative calorie foods are Celery, Broccoli, Cabbage and Courgette although there are others. Once again we have the very simple concept that if you eat fewer calories than you use up you will lose weight. It isn’t rocket science is it?

Grapefruit Diet

Here’s another diet that has proven to be very popular amongst serial dieters. The main food in this diet is of course the grapefruit although other low calorie foods may be incorporated too. Again the problem is that it is a quick fix diet that cannot be sustained and any sort of diet that advocates very low calories is just not healthy. Yes you may lose a few pounds in a few days but are likely to put it straight back on as soon as you start a normal eating plan again.

3 Day Diet

Most people will have heard of the 3 day diet simply because it is so popular for short term weight loss. There is nothing amazing about this diet as once again it involves eating fewer calories for a few days – nothing miraculous about that as of course you will lose weight in the short term. There are variations of it but a typical 3 day diet will involve fruit juice and a slice of bread for breakfast, small piece of protein and salad for lunch, a bit of fruit and either fish, meat or poultry with vegetables for dinner. You can drink black tea or coffee too.

Bread and Butter Diet


If someone told you to eat a slice of bread and butter with each meal so you could lose weight you would think they were crazy but that’s exactly what this diet is. The secret of weight loss with this diet is actually no secret at all, you end up eating less than 1000 calories a day so not only will you feel hungry and deprived, you won’t be able to stick to it, so it isn’t a long term solution but a crash diet instead. It’s similar to the 3 day diet really but this one lasts for 4 days. On day one for breakfast you have a slice of bread and butter and fruit juice, for lunch some tuna and a salad and a slice of bread and butter, for dinner fish and veg, a bit of fruit and a slice of bread and butter. Days 2 to 4 are much and such the same with slight variations but you do get to incorporate different types of bread.

Hallelujah Diet

How about a diet proposed by God himself. Here we have the hallelujah diet developed by Pastor George Malkmus who reckoned it was what God intended us to eat in the Garden of Eden. Basically what we have here is a Vegan diet consisting of mostly raw foods with a small cooked portion thrown in for good measure. Meat, fish, dairy products and any tea, coffee or alcohol are not allowed. Amusingly, some supplements are allowed which also happen to be available for sale on the hallelujah diet website; did God intend that I wonder?

Special K Diet

We couldn’t have a list of diet fads without including the Special K diet so blatantly blasted at us by the media recently. The simple diet created by Kellogs is that you eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, another for lunch, and then an evening meal and you would drop a size in 2 weeks. What an ingenious marketing plan! My local supermarket was sold of out Special K cereal as soon as the first ad appeared on the telly.

Beverley Hills Diet

This diet is one of those very low calorie diets that could actually be dangerous if sustained for any length of time. It is based on a book by Judy Mazel that was first published in the early 80’s. The theory behind it is that if food isn’t properly digested it turns into fat so the body needs to have the right enzymes in order to digest the food. Most of the days in the diet are fruit only days with a few vegetable only days and some days where you are allowed a small amount of carbohydrates as well. Apparently you will lose a stone in a month but even if you do, it isn’t a healthy way to lose weight.

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet


Apple cider vinegar is produced from fermented juice of an apple and has been used as a health tonic for centuries even though none of the claims have been properly substantiated. It started off being popular as a weight loss aid in the 50’s when Dr Jarvis published a book called Folk Medicine. He maintained that taking this vinegar would help burn fat. However, it is more likely to be a folk tale than a genuine weight loss product. That won’t stop folk from trying it though.

Chocolate Diet


Now here’s a diet that will appeal to chocoholics worldwide. According to Sally Ann Voak, you will lose half a stone in 2 weeks and you still get to eat chocolate. The theory behind this diet is that if you allow some chocolate (something that is normally banned in diets) you are more likely to stick to the diet and lose weight. The diet is aimed at 6 different types of chocolate eaters; the secret bingers, the romantics, the comfort eaters, the weekend indulgers, the sugar addicts and the premenstrual cravers. Depending on which category of chocolate eater you fall into there is a diet plan for you. Regardless, the main diet consists of approximately 1000 calories a day to begin with and then up to 1300 calories after that which includes a choccie allowance of between 50 and 300 calories a day. The calorie intake in this diet is quite simply too low to be healthy.

Peanut Butter Diet

Peanut butter for weight loss, it must be a joke, and yet there really is such a diet. It was first put out by Holly McCord, writer for an American health magazine who wrote a book called The Peanut Butter Diet. The diet consists of nothing more than low calorie meals with peanut butter thrown in. Is that a genuine solution to long term weight loss? I doubt it.

Slimfast Diet


If you want to replace real cooked meals with liquid shakes and food bars then slim fast might be the diet for you. Despite how ridiculous that sounds it is extremely popular and has been on the market for over 25 years now.

Personally I think the only viable, healthy and effective method for long term sustainable weight loss is the most simple of all. Eat a balanced diet and cut out the crap.

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The merger will create a consumer electronics giant

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After two failed bids to acquire Sanyo Electric financial firm has finally accepted an offer from Panasonic to acquire Goldman’s stake in the company. Goldman will now join Sanyo’s other major shareholders, Daiwa Securities SMBC and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking, in relinquishing control of Sanyo and allowing Panasonic to create an electronics giant.

Panasonic announced their intentions to acquire Sanyo last month but had to revise offers made to Goldman in order to complete the deal. Daiwa and Sumitomo initially accepted the offer from Panasonic and are expected to go along with the final deal to be made official by both Panasonic and Sanyo on December 26th.

Goldman finally accepted an offer from Panasonic estimated to be 131 yen per share ($1.47) although that figure is still considered to be below Sanyo’s market price. The final offer price for the acquisition is expected to be near 560 billion yen, or $6.36 billion with a tender offer as early as February 2009. Panasonic is interested in acquiring anywhere from 50% to all of Sanyo’s shares.

The merger will create a consumer electronics giant that will be able to compete globally with other leading electronics and battery companies in China and South Korea. Panasonic, which manufactures everything from televisions to Blu-ray disc players, is interested in capitalizing on Sanyo’s industry leading “green” technology including solar panels and rechargeable batteries. The technology and patents owned by Sanyo will allow Panasonic to expand their reach into fields previosuly dominated by Sanyo and perhaps signal a shift in car manufacturing to include lithium-ion batteries and other renewable energy sources.

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ave decided to either catch fire

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Laptop Battery Specialist

of the dell laptop battery First post by: www.itbattery.com

I am a frequent reader of the dell Latitude D505 battery. It is an interesting site that has various information about upcoming technology.

Today I was reading about some batteries that seem to have not been made with the best of quality control. Apparently, AT&T bought some batteries from the now defunct Avestor. So far, 4 of these batteries have decided to either catch fire or explode. Seems as one of the latest exploded with enough force to rip a 50-60 lb. steel door clean off and throw it 5 feet. It shows why we need to make sure we are getting our batteries from companies with proven quality.

If you search the web it is easy to find where some sub-standard battery fails. Unfortunately these batteries have a bad habit of catching some people unaware and have burnt a few people. The good news however, is that on a percentage, the failed batteries are actually very minimal. Even with the 4 dell Latitude D510 battery that are giving AT&T a headache they had purchased 17,000 of them that’s actually the highest ratio I’ve seen at a little over 2%. I believe the normal in failed batteries is closer to .01 to .05%.

Granted that doesn’t make you feel any better if you happen to be one of the lucky recipients of a bad battery. However if you can hit those kinds of odds you should run out and get a lottery ticket. How afraid are you of the batteries that are hiding in your pocket, purse, on your lap, or being held to your head?

and we have a hot products here: dell Latitude D520 battery, dell Latitude D600 battery


When no external power supply..

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Laptop battery specialist

of the Acer Laptop battery   First post by: www.itbattery.com

1. When no external power supply, if at the time the work situation for the time being less than the PCMCIA card slot, first proposed in order to remove the card to extend BTP-43D1 , TravelMate 220 life.

2. At room temperature (20-30 degrees) for the best of battery temperature, the temperature is too high or too low operating environment will reduce battery life.

3. Can provide a stable power supply in an environment where the use of laptop computers, will remove the battery can be extended by the battery life is simply not true. ASUS notebook computer on, when the full power rechargeable batteries, rechargeable batteries in the circuit will automatically shut down, so will not have been sufficient.

4. Proposed a three-month average of battery power correction action.

5. To minimize the use of the number of BTP-63D1

The number of battery charging and discharging a direct bearing on the life of each charge a battery to retire a step forward. We proposed to make full use of external power supply,

6. The use of an external battery power will be removed.

Some users often several times a day in Plug Power, and notebook computers equipped with a battery, to do so, the greater the damage to the battery. Because each access to external power supply is equivalent to charging a battery, battery on the nature of the Zheshou.

7. Exhausted after the electricity charge and avoid charging time is too long

No matter your notebook to use nickel-metal hydride or lithium-electric power, it must be exhausted before sufficient power (electricity consumption of less than 1%), which is to avoid the best way to the memory effect. Li-electric memory will have the same effect, but its memory effect than Ni-MH small number of them.

8. Note the use of normal

Normally used to prevent exposure to prevent damp to prevent the erosion of liquid chemicals, BATCL50L , TravelMate 290 , TravelMate 4000 to avoid contact with metal objects, such as access to happen.

Laptop battery purchase Notes

The laptop battery life - as no more than 3-4 years, it may be in the process of users are most likely to be replaced. Two years later the use of laptop computers, battery consumption will find more and more rapidly. If possible, can replace the old batteries for new batteries to ensure the stability of the computer work.

When the need to replace notebook batteries, preferably with a selection of models to replace the battery. However, if the old computer is to use nickel-metal hydride batteries, in order for longer battery-powered, of course, can also be specified by the computer user's manual or manufacturer's recommended selection of models of lithium batteries. Although the nickel-metal hydride batteries because of cheap, but there is memory effect, but also in the same capacity next-to-weight ratio of lithium batteries, lithium batteries and have no memory effect, light and power for a long time, and other advantages, has become a laptop TravelMate 2300 standard . At this stage to use the notebook computer manufacturers of lithium Aspire 1680 Series btp-44a3, Aspire 1410 due to the different power supply in time there are certain gaps and friends in the process of selection should be noted that different brands of batteries in the difference between the best of several brands compare.

In addition to the performance of the battery manufacturers supply a statement of the time, but also pay attention to the needs of its capacity. Battery capacity is usually AH (ampere-hour, ampere hour) calculation of the current notebook computer equipped with the most common is about 4000AH, and ordinary cell can be sustained for more than 2 hours. In addition to the battery power supply by the time the whole Computer power and heat dissipation, and other factors, the screen size (the bigger the more power), screen brightness, as well as the implementation of the work of all time will affect the power supply .

Now the prices of notebook batteries in 1000 up and down the ocean, accounting for about notebooks to 10% of the total price - about some of the ultra-thin models and even higher. The battery warranty, security of 3 months, half a year of security, but also the longest for 1 year; The reason why the battery warranty period is short because the notebook battery supplies belonging to the vulnerable, the frequency of recharging is a constant, A small one. Moreover, the notebook LCBTP03003 ,Aspire 1300 and other hardware, there is no room for repairs can only be replaced. For such a long period of warranty products (OZ), were invisible on the increased burden on manufacturers, so the purchase of laptop before the battery must ask the warranty period and conditions.

In addition, the purchase of second-hand laptop when not forget to try its built-in battery can be sustained for a long time and more work. Under normal circumstances, used in 2012 after sufficient power in notebook computers, Ni-MH battery can be some support for the work of the computer about 1 hour, lithium-ion battery can support nearly 3 hours, but relative to the terms of this new battery The request is already very low, less than the battery indicator shows a view from near the end of life.

Notebook Battery of the causes of damage

Laptop BTP-APJ1 , BTP-AQJ1 , BTP-ARJ1 life is longer, often dissatisfied with the necessary and sufficient electricity, and even shows the battery has been damaged, the specific performance of the resistance is bigger in charge at both ends when the voltage rise faster. This charge was easy to control the line has been judged to be filled, the capacity of natural decline. As the larger battery internal resistance, discharge when the voltage drop, fast, so the system can easily mistaken for lack of voltage, less power consumption. Batteries found in the relatively short-time working hours, should take corresponding measures.


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