
Rebel Girl: Threnody in Velvet

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Threnody in Velvet is an internationally renowned alternative model and photographer currently based in the UK. When she isn’t photographing other people, she’s snapping pictures of herself in her vast collection of corsets, lingerie and latex. Why wouldn’t she? We know we’re super jealous of her hourglass figure! Keep reading to find out how Threnody in Velvet became the big name we know her to be!

Photography by Wright Aperture Images[/caption]Tell us about your career as model. How did you get started?I started back in 2002 because I wanted some nice photos of myself for when I grow older. Back then I was practicing digital art/photo manipulation with images of myself as the subject which I showcased on my old account at Deviant Art, this led to a lot of interest from photographers all over the world wanting to book me, so I got to travel to the USA and then moved to the UK from Spain to pursue it further, I had no job at the time so I had nothing to lose for trying.Did you always want to be a model or did you have other career aspirations when you were growing up?I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was very little because I loved drawing, but that turned into digital art which then evolved to wanting to create my own photography and mix the two. I never wanted to be a model initially because in Spain to do so there is only work for the catwalk type look, and I am realistic that my characteristics are far from that. However there are so many more types of models abroad and that opened a lot of opportunities with my other skills to get all the contacts and be able to do what I do.Do you love any one genre of modelling more than another?I love corsetry and elaborated costumes. I love researching themes so even if something is really different from my usual I enjoy it just as much. I prefer modelling Corsets, Lingerie and Latex as that shows my hourglass figure the best.What was your first shoot as a model like? Tell us a little about it!It was amazing! I contacted this photographer from Madrid (Eccehomo) he travelled to me and we went to 5 different castles in one day to take photos next to them, one of them designed by Gaudi, another by the mountains… there is so many in Spain, I was wearing a black medieval dress, and I felt very at ease. It was as much about the art and the feel of the images than it was about me which I loved.As well as being a model, you make a living from your own art as a photographer, makeup artist and digital artist! How did you get into all of these fields? Did you always dream of living from your own work?I studied photography at the age of 15 back in the day where digital didn’t exist so it was all film, studio and darkroom, it certainly made me understand a lot now as I shoot digital, about lighting and what can be achieved for real while I also learnt to create fantastic artworks in photoshop. Modelling then funded my photography equipment so I was able to take it more seriously when I moved to England 12 years ago. Getting good at hair and makeup just came naturally as I need it for my modelling work and also I wanted my models to look their best so I learnt that while working. It’s all a succession of necessary skills and I love to do all of them so I never feel like I am really working.

Photography by Iberian Black Arts[/caption]Do you have any tips for those who are eager to make a living from their art?It takes years to get somewhere, and you must really want to do something like this to keep at it, even now after so many years is a fight to get enough work, while I could have something stable I choose this lifestyle and I very much prefer it over anything else. It is those who persevere who get where they want to be.You’ll be performing at Sexhibition and the Oxford Conference of Corsetry in August – could you tell us a bit about these events? Are you a fan of corsetry yourself? What is a Sexhibition?Sexhibition is a tradeshow that includes exhibitors from lingerie to corsetry, latex, footwear etc. There will be workshops and classes through it from the erotic industry. I will be there solely doing the fashion shows along other beautiful models, this one is the first they are doing so hopefully it all goes great!The Oxford conference of corsetry comes to its 3rd year, and it’s amazing, tons of corset designers from all over the world meet at Jesus College, where they do workshops and we have a dinner in a beautiful Harry Potter like room, then on the Sunday I model all day for all of them until it’s over. I have met so many talented people at the conference and I will work with them over and over.Are you super excited for your up and coming shows?I am definitely looking forward to them, I don’t do enough shows/public appearances so it will be fun.What do you do to prepare for such events?I try to keep on top of everything (skin/hair/nails) and bring as much as it’s necessary makeup/hair/accessories. There is no special preparation I think other than that and I just try to do my best.As a makeup artist, do you have any pet peeves?Eyebrows! So much that I wrote a blog about it teaching how to groom them and make them perfect, and also showing all the terrible cases out there. In case you fancy a chuckle here it is!What do you consider your biggest career highlights so far?Modeling for Bowens International, Being in the Music video “the blue lotus” from My dying bride, being the face of this year’s German vampire ball, selling out my calendar, being booked by my favourite designers, it’s all still very much a journey and I don’t want it to end…How much have you changed since you first started modelling?I have definitely grown up, I started at 19-20 and I am now 33. However I haven’t aged and I now know what works for me so oddly I look much better now than back then! Which is making people think I am a real vampire… (laughs). My principles and my passions haven’t changed though, I am more responsible but I am still true to myself.Do you have any tips for new models that find you inspiring?Come see me for a photo shoot, I offer makeover shoots at my studio where we will find what works best for your look (hair/makeup) and I will help you with posing etc, getting fabulous photos and being able to approach designers with them to get your foot in the door. Always find reputable photographers, and show your best images. Quality over quantity.If you’re aching for more from Threnody in Velvet, you won’t be disappointed. As well as her official Facebook page - which she is always updating with new shoots, events and behinds the scenes pictures - you can also follow her on Instagram (@threnodyinvelvet), check out her official website or for some of amazing photography check out her Iberian Black Arts website. All the photos below are of Threnody in Velvet, taken by Threnody in Velvet! Which is your favourite?

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